Brahmananda Saraswati
& the philosophy, practices & traditions of the shankaracharya Matts

Brahmananda Saraswati's Tradition
Brahmānanda Sarasvatī served as the Shankaracharya of the Jyotir Math in the northern Indian region of Uttarakhand from 1941 until his passing in 1953.
From this seat, he was a representantive of “Sanatan Dharma”, a Vedic Term which can translate as “The Eternal Path” or “The Eternal Law”.
Although many brilliant biographies and translations of Brahmananda exist, the details of the unique broader tradition from which he learned, and much of his philosophy was based, was only known to a select few in the west.
The goal of this website is to highlight the broad & unique tradition of which this master was a part: the philosophy, practices and traditions of the Shankarachaya Matts. And how they directly relate to Sri Brahmananda Saraswati.
Through thousands of hours of research, travel, and translation — and almost a decade of applying techniques and practices, outlined in texts & information directly received from direct disciples in the lineage — we’re ready to offer a perspective on what the Shankaracharya Matts, and what we believe Brahmanadana Saraswati, was practicing.
And present what many of the masters in India, who are the direct decendents of Guru Dev, practice and believe to this day.
We offer this site, translations & courses with a special focus and relevance, for those who have learnt from western traditions which claim Shri Brahmananda Saraswati as their origins.
Of course, we don’t claim to be perfect representatives, simply diligent researchers, as we believe the perfect representatives claim should belong to those who are initiated into the Daśanāmi Saṃpradāya in India & follow the strict, traditional vedic dharma – but we do believe it’s possible to research & learn to apply these powerful practices & philosophies to everyday householder life.
Brahmananda's Jyotir Matt
Otherwise known as, Jyotir Math or “Joshimath”. This seat of the four Shankaracharya Matts is unique in that it is the only Matt that has had it’s lineage broken for over 150 years, and is rumored to have had the lineage broken several times before that. Shri Brahmananda Saraswati reestablished the Matt after the period of the broken lineage, but through our research, we’ve found his philosophy was not specifically from the Jyotir Matt lineage. Few texts from the Shankaracharyas within the Jyotir Matt line survive until this day, with only a few from the founder of the Joshi Math, Trotakacharya, that are still available.
We’ve a link to one here.
The focus of this website, it’s translations and courses is the broader traditions of the Shankaracharya Matts, what is it that they practice, and how this fits into the practice of Brahmananda Saraswati and more specifically that of his teachers, contemporaries, personally initiated students & disciples. And how that can be put into practice in combination with your daily meditation techniques.

Research, Translations & Projects by Ed Vero
We offer a range of courses, consultations, and guided translations based on different elements we’ve unearthed from the broader tradition, always carefully maintaining a clear & consistent lineage to Brahmānanda Sarasvatī, & the Shankaracharya Matts.
The style will not be entirely academic, as it will also include perspectives & discussions on what happens when techniques are consistently practiced.
Want to Learn More?
Shakti & Tantra In The Shankaracharya Matts
Book, Translations, Resources & Lectures by Ed Vero
Āstika, Karma yoga & the Foundations of the six schools
Book, Translations, Resources & Lectures by Ed Vero
Vishnu & Bhakti in the Shankaracharya Matts
Book, Translations, Resources & Lectures by Ed Vero
Shiva & the Unique Advaita-Vedanta of the Shankaracharya Matts
Book, Translations, Resources & Lectures by Ed Vero
A part but also apart - Brahmananda Saraswati, Orthodoxy & Values
From our research, one thing has been consistently clear. The orthodoxy of the Sanatan Dharma tradition of which Shri Brahmananda Saraswati was a representative.
As far as we can see, this means issues like born caste, untouchability, role of women in society & teacher-hood are far from our personal values.
This puts us at odds with a tradition that has brought us so much.
It may be possible to be ordained as representative of the tradition, we believe that would harm, not only our values, but also the values of the orthodox Sanatan Dharma tradition, and also those who have found oppression by it. Even when that oppression was not intended.
Out of respect, we have not sought, nor do not seek, to be ordained in any way. Nor seek to perform rituals or practices beyond our role.
This means we work in an in-between place.
- Not attempting to force our values on an ancient culture, yet bringing awareness to the difficult conversations.
- Recognizing our fundamental disagreements with the orthodox tradition, but not discounting its unique power to transform consciousness.
- Maintaining a unbreakable standard to the boundaries of one, single, tradition, neither mixing, nor combining elements outside of the tradition, but simultaneously not claiming ownership of it.
- Highlighting the origins of the knowledge, its representatives & appointed followers as the true authority – supreme to our own, yet truly claiming our authority in our research, and the effectiveness of it’s application.
If you want to seek out induction into Sanatan Dharma — find the origins and representatives of Sri Brahmananda Saraswati & become consecrated, and we will accept your authority to be superior to our own.
But then, this is not a site designed specifically for you.
In our courses, we honor tradition by deeply understanding and respecting its depths, not by blinding ourselves to our own, or its, restrictions.
We want to serve those who live in that in-between place.
Respecting the profound transformative power of the Sanatan Dharma, we operate in a nuanced space, acknowledging its complexities, highlighting its true authorities, and serving those who seek a balanced understanding while avoiding undue ownership, practices or authority.
Who am I?
Ed Vero
My focus is a blend of diligent research, and personal practice & experience. Investing many thousands of hours, learning Hindi, translating and traveling to India to unearth and discover more about the unique philosophies & practices of the tradition for students I work with.
I’ve been teaching meditation with Puja for more than a decade in the Western traditions that have their roots in the Shankaracharya tradition, with special reference to Sri Brahmananda Saraswati.